Make a well informed decision when you purchase your XRF instrument

Epsilon1bTechnology developments have fundamentally changed the way elemental analysis can be performed. In the past elemental analysis techniques, like ICP and floor-standing wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF), were limited to central laboratories. Over the past two decades, the performance of smaller energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analyzers have improved a lot, mainly due to the rapid development in electronics and detector technology. This has enabled benchtop XRF systems, like Malvern Panalytical’s Epsilon range, to perform norm-compliant analysis. It has become possible to bring elemental analysis towards the sample, decreasing feedback loops and enabling direct decisions.

Next to benchtops, XRF handhelds are often seen as a simple and affordable solution for quick and easy elemental analysis. Yes, they are easy to use, measurements are done fast, and the instruments are easy to carry out. However, as a user, your confidence in the accuracy of the measurements is critically important, which is for example hugely effected by the way the sample is presented to the instrument. Further, X-ray safety should be your top priority. Therefore, for many applications where analysis is moved into the field, a small benchtop, like the Epsilon 1, could be the right alternative to fulfill your application requirements.

I encourage people, who are interested in purchasing an XRF instrument, to make a well-informed decision before you spend your budget.

Please look at the following 5 reasons why you could consider to go for a benchtop instead