How to quote consumables

image of enter sign for estore to repesent the range of consumables and shopping cart available on our malvernstore

How can I generate an estore quote for some consumables? The item is listed on the estore, but I need an official quotation for this! Can I generate a quotation for this consumable quote myself? You’ll find all the necessary steps in this post.

We carry the majority of our consumable and replacement parts on our eStore at – all that is required is a free login at that site. So the first thing to do is create an account on the eStore. Oh, and eStore is the same as webstore, our virtual storefront.

How to create an account on the eStore?

In order to get access to the electronic webstore for Malvern Panalytical, please go to the website and click the “Create Account” in the upper right corner

screen snip of malvernstore - highlight on create account which is a prerequisite for generating a consumables quote in pdf on our estore webstore
click on the “Create Account” to set up a login available, once approved you can generate quotes

Once you have filled in all information, the approval can take up to a few business days. It is helpful if you provide the account number for your company during the signup, but that is not required. If you cannot find your account number, our team will try to find it for you.

How to create a consumables quote?

When you are logged in, just find the item you want to quote. For example, search by part number. Add it to your basket, and then follow the steps as if you were purchasing the item. However, instead of entering payment information, find the “Create Quote” option. (It is right next to the credit card, and the PO option). For step-by-step guidance, see the pdf.

And that’s it. You should now have your quotation in pdf format. This works 24×7 – any time, any day, provided you have an account already set up in the system. So go ahead and create an account in the web store now. You never know when you might need it.


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