00:00:00 | Pushing the limits of X-ray powder diffraction in the laboratory |
00:02:47 | Table of content |
00:03:23 | When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi |
00:03:32 | When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi |
00:04:04 | When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi |
00:05:03 | When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi |
00:05:30 | When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi |
00:06:31 | When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi |
00:07:41 | Do you always need synchrotron radiation? |
00:07:55 | Structural phase transitions in EuNbO3 perovskite |
00:08:35 | Structural phase transitions in EuNbO3 perovskite |
00:09:41 | Laboratory X-ray data: Cu Ka data |
00:09:58 | Laboratory X-ray data: Cu Ka data |
00:10:43 | Laboratory X-ray data: Cu Ka data |
00:11:00 | Empyrean Alpha-1 |
00:11:21 | Octahedral tilting: Imma |
00:12:10 | Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory |
00:13:19 | Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory |
00:14:03 | Comparable resolution between synchrotron and laboratory |
00:14:17 | CrF3.3H2O: reported crystal structure |
00:14:57 | CrF3.3H2O: Cu Ka1 data |
00:15:10 | CrF3.3H2O: Cu Ka1 data |
00:15:33 | Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory |
00:16:26 | Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory |
00:17:14 | Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory |
00:18:40 | Crystallography with Bragg-BrentanoHD |
00:18:53 | LiCrGe2O6: P21/c versus C2/c |
00:20:10 | LiCrGe2O6: P21/c versus C2/c |
00:20:38 | LiCrGe2O6: P21/c versus C2/c |
00:21:12 | LiCrGe2O6: real symmetry P21/c |
00:21:48 | When you are too soft, try harder! |
00:22:02 | From customer support to scientific collaboration |
00:22:21 | How did it begin? |
00:22:56 | Kalistrontite: a rare mineral |
00:23:29 | Kalistrontite: a rare mineral ? |
00:23:55 | Solving the structure of Kalistrontite |
00:24:46 | Solving the structure of Kalistrontite |
00:25:41 | Solving the structure of Kalistrontite |
00:26:09 | Why to use hard radiation ( = Mo) for diffraction? |
00:27:30 | Solving structure with hard radiation |
00:28:42 | Solving structure with hard radiation |
00:29:13 | Solving structure with hard radiation |
00:29:45 | Solving structure with hard radiation |
00:30:35 | Solving structure with hard radiation |
00:31:02 | New article |
00:31:16 | Other articles using structure solution from powder data using Malvern Panalytical technology |
00:31:39 | Conclusion |
00:31:43 | Conclusion |
00:33:24 | Acknowledgements |
00:33:29 | Acknowledgements |
00:34:11 | Questions and Thank You! |
Typically, the reference for high resolution and high intensity in powder diffraction is the use of the synchrotron radiation. However getting access to such large scale facilities might be a tedious task and definitively not as often as one would like. Consequently, it is important to know how far one can push the limits of a powder diffraction in the laboratory. Using various examples of materials, from perovskite materials, to permanent magnets or mineralogical related materials; we will review what can be done in the laboratory and see how it can compete with synchrotron radiation in some instances.
- Gwilherm Nenert - Application Specialist XRD