Every day, researchers take steps into the unknown to discover more about the physical and natural world. Universities and research institutes, in particular, continually research to gain new knowledge.
At Malvern Panalytical, we love research just as much! Our scientists come here to help advance instruments and methods that turn research into knowledge and beyond. Sometimes, these instruments play a role in your lab – so we aim to make them user-friendly and even automated. Sometimes, measurements made with our instruments provide unique insight into established or emerging research fields. And sometimes, we develop techniques or equipment beyond established analytical methods. Over 150 of our full-time scientists across the world teach, study, and share how our analytical research solutions can be applied to established and newly emerging fields. From time to time, they also engage in joint publications with researchers.
Here, you’ll find some of these newest joint publications, as well as updates on our solutions in a research context. In the research theme pages, you’ll also find application notes providing an entry-level report on how our analytical solutions are used to gain knowledge in each research field. These application notes are the summaries of large bodies of work that often have a full publication behind them. Enjoy exploring!
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