Materials Talks – One year old today!

Well I can scarcely believe that our blog is one year old today. It seems like a lifetime ago that our first post hit the internet and brought the world of Malvern materials characterization to a new audience. I must confess that there have been times when some of us have struggled to put “pen to paper” and produce relevant content about materials, industry and science.  And I’ve had to charm and encourage the Malvern experts to provide interesting and useful articles. I hope you’ll agree when I say that I think they have excelled themselves and risen to the challenge more than once. I’m really grateful for their efforts and I hope they will continue to produce interesting articles about their work and play.

A blog is about informality, it is about awareness and giving meaning to things and I think that Materials Talks has more than achieved this during its first year. But where do we go from here? Well as C.S Lewis wrote in one of his Narnia books ‘Onward and upward! I think we have only just scratched the surface of what we can talk about and I hope during the next 12 months we will be able to provide advice and helpful hints to a whole new audience of subscribers. And that you’ll join in the discussion.

Thank you all for taking the time to read Materials Talks. I hope it has provided some food for thought during your machinations at work and also shown how Malvern can help your industry. Please remember to read Materials Talks regularly and we will make sure it stays interesting and topical.